The missing server for Flutter

Serverpod is an open-source, scalable app server, written in Dart for the Flutter community.

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Illustration Serverpod
Server code
// Creates an endpoint called ‘example’
class ExampleEndpoint extends Endpoint {

// Endpoint method to be called from client.
 Future<String> hello(
   Session session, String name) async {
  return ‘Hello $name’;
Client code
// Client that can connect to the pod.
var client = Client (‘’);

// Calling generated client code.
var result =
await client.example.hello(‘World’);

// ‘result’ will be ‘Hello World’.

Avoid mistakes, generate the code

Serverpod automatically generates your protocol and client-side code by analyzing your server. Calling a remote endpoint is as easy as making a local method call.


World-class logging

Stop struggling. You no longer need to search through endless server logs. Pinpoint exceptions and slow database queries in an easy-to-use user interface with a single click.


Built-in caching

Cut down on your database costs. Don't save all your data permanently when you don't have to. Serverpod comes with a high-performance distributed cache built right in.


Revolutionary ORM

Save time. Talking with your database can be a hassle. With Serverpod's ORM, your queries use native Dart types and null-safety. There is a straight path from your statically checked code to the database.

Icon Upload

File uploads

Upload straight to S3 or Google cloud with ease.
Icon Authentication


Sign in through social logins or wing your own.
Icon Data streaming

Data streaming

Pass serialized objects through authenticated web sockets.
Icon Task scheduling

Task scheduling

Serverpod's future calls replace complicated cron jobs.
Icon Health

Health checks

Monitor the database & external services that you are using.
Icon Deployment

Easy deployment

Quickly deploy your Serverpods with Docker containers.

Monitor in real time

Serverpod comes with a companion app that lets you monitor and interact with your server in real time.

Get started
Serverpod screenshot
Icon Open Source

Free & open source

Serverpod is free, open-source, and constantly improving. You can host your server anywhere you can run Dart.
Icon Code

Simple, beautiful code

Every design decision made in Serverpod aims to make your server code as fast to write and as readable as possible.
Icon Flutter

Made for Flutter

Serverpod follows all Dart and Flutter best practices. You will instantly be productive and feel at home.